More on blogging

In my recent posting “On blogging and social media”, I commented at some of the differences I’ve noticed between Blogger, where I used to post my rants/raves/reasoned discussions (as always – reader’s choice) and WordPress where I now subject an entirely different readership to my opinions.  I mention some figures in that previous posting, so won’t repeat them here – after all that would be padding my word count for this posting.

The reason I left Blogger is that I wasn’t happy with the response I was getting, either in readership, or interaction with those readers in the form of comments. As I wrote previously, I did tackle a sensitive issue while on Blogger and I noticed that rather than attack my views in that posting, many of the responses chose to attack me personally.  I was accused of sniping at those “better” than me.  Excuse me, but if my name is on the profile, as it is this one, how is that hiding.  I was told I was a loser who got their jollies hiding behind my computer and slagging others.  If I’m a loser, hiding behind my computer all day, why is it I’m rarely home?  Okay, I‘m home today because it’s pouring rain out there.  But the one that I think finally settled my decision to close Cat’s Eye View, the name of my site, was the one that unfavourably compared my intelligence to that of a turnip.  Between you and me, I know I could out-think that turnip two times out of three.

Perhaps it was destined that I abandon Blogger in mid-June and open Catsworld1 on WordPress.  My recent and ongoing series “Bring him to justice”, which, by the way, the  detective handling the case told me she appreciated, has had more readers alone than my entire catalogue of postings on Blogger, according to figures I have here.  That series deals with a Public Safety Alert issued by the Toronto Police Service advising of a man wanted for aggravated sexual assault. He was diagnosed HIV positive in 1996 but never advised his partners of that diagnosis. Here’s the link to that bulletin: This series is important to me as I know at least two people who dated that man and, simply put, I want him off the streets.  And to be honest, I’ve found writing those extremely stressful, but for these people I know, I continue.  There will be more postings under the heading “Bring him to justice” once I am able to confirm some information I’ve received.  While these may be opinion pieces, I won’t just post the information because at the moment I consider it to be rumour and, as much as I dislike that man, that wouldn’t be fair to him, nor would it be good journalism.  In the meantime, I try to keep my readers informed and amused with postings such as yesterday’s “Writing 101 by Cat, or what would I say?” and this morning’s “Ford Follies”.  A friend mentioned that “Writing 101 by Cat” is probably the shortest writing course ever, but as I asked in the full title, what would I say?  What else is there to say about writing?

I enjoy writing and even if I didn’t have access to WordPress or Blogger or any of the other sites out there, I’d still be putting words on paper and pestering my friends to read those essays.

Since it’s Friday afternoon, enjoy your weekend and remember to hug an artist – we need love too.
